Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Speaking of St. Michael the Archangel

I worked rather late last night and was provided with a car home by Beneficent Employer.  First thing I noticed upon settling in the back seat was a statue of St. Michael the Archangel on the dashboard, which is not something you see every day. In fact, it may have been the first time ever.  I mentioned to the driver that I liked the statue, and that I had just been thinking of St. Michael.  The driver seemed pleased by this, so I asked him if his name was Michael, and he said it was.   I considered mentioning the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel, but let the matter rest there.

We arrived at the parking lot where I leave my car before catching the commuter bus every working morning, and I directed Michael to my 30 year old sedan, which was easy because by this hour the lot was practically empty.   I thanked Michael, wished him a good night, and strolled the short distance to my car, as I have done on  the hundreds of prior evenings upon exiting similar cars provided by Beneficent Employer.  Often, if not usually, at this point the driver takes off like a shot.  Michael didn't, which was good, because when I put my key in the door lock and turned, the key snapped in two.  I returned to Michael's car, and told him the bad news.  Michael cheerfully gave me a ride home, didn't charge extra, and even offered to drive me back to my car once I'd retrieved a spare key.  I didn't take Michael up on  his offer, but I have a feeling  I may regret that.  When Michael offers protection, it's probably unwise to decline it. 

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